Top 5 Health Benefits of Organic Gardening


Posted by Green Thumb Gardener | Posted in Organic Gardening, Vegetable Garden | Posted on 18-06-2010

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Organic gardening is one of those things which sound like a little hobby for senior citizens. As far back as I can remember, society would look at organic gardening as something which only hippies or so called tree huggers participated in. However, based on the current economy and food prices, organic gardening is fast becoming one of the best ways to save money and eat healthy. This article will show you Read the rest of this entry »

An Organic Summer Garden Experience


Posted by Green Thumb Gardener | Posted in Organic Gardening | Posted on 12-06-2010

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If you have the time and the inclination to create an organic summer garden there are few better ways to go when it comes to the potential impact on the planet. A summer garden is a thing of beauty to be enjoyed by all you invite into your garden. That being said, there are certain pests we’d all like to keep out of our gardens as well. The problem is that the pesticides of the past have undetermined side effects that have the potential to cause lasting harm. If we can avoid introducing those chemicals to our own gardens we are protecting our kids from dangers we may not even be aware of yet and protecting the other animals that may innocently come in contact with our gardens such as birds and butterflies from being harmed by the chemicals present in most common pesticides.

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